Oh heyyy 👋 
Rumor has it you wanna reach me, which makes me think of this banger remix 🎶


For speaking invites & interviews ✨

Looking for an enthusiastic speaker, workshop leader, or podcast guest? Helloooo! 👀 I love talking about community building, goal planning, non-traditional career paths, early-stage start-ups, and the future of work. I particularly love audiences filled with business owners, community leaders, and entrepreneurial-minded college students.


To work with me 🌻 

Have an awesome retreat or workshop you need some help with? I occasionally take on projects like this. Excited to hear what you're cooking up!

To say hello 🌸 

I (clearly!) love meeting people...I'm active on LinkedIn and enjoy receiving voice memos. Please say hi and share something that's brought you joy this week 😊 

Wave hi on LinkedIn 👋